Shadowscapes ©2002 A.Holyoak

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Friday, August 15, 2003, 6:13 am MDT
Ok, here's your other page for this week. I've assigned my roommate, Anki-chan, to kicking me to get the next page done on time next week. ::crosses fingers:: Here's hoping.
Hmm...backstory (and a bare back ^_^) for Tanan this time. Most are touch-healers (few, if any, other races can have this gift), though some have other spiritual powers. Grah. Looks like he's scolding Kass in the top-right panel, but he's not. I tried to get him to smile.... Anyway, those dark marks on his back are shadow-spots where his wings come in (kinda' like Folken and Van from Escaflowne, if you've seen it). That's why he wears a loose robe, so he can take it off easily when he sprouts his wings. The winged silhouette at the bottom, if you can't tell, is Tanan. And in the bottom-right, we have a jealous Lieya.
Yay for pretty bare angel backs.

Site and content ©2002 Amanda Holyoak. Steal, and I beat you silly with a halibut.
Or sue you. Your pick.