Shadowscapes Š2002 A.Holyoak

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Sunday, December 08, 2002, 9:32 pm
::bows deeply:: Gomen nasai, minna-sama, for the major delay in getting this up. As I promised, I'm working on extra pages when I can find time, to make up for the missed weeks. I'll probably have to wait until next week to put up the extra pages, since this week and next are finals, and I've got two big papers and a drawing project due this week. ::sigh:: but then it's Christmas break, and extra free time! ^_^
As for this page...I actually like how it came out. The shading looks okay, and I used some webpage backgrounds (tiling kind) as screentones. ^_^ And I made a leaf-shadow picture tube for PSP to do the background of the bottom panel.
Yay for homemade picture tubes.

Site and content Š2002 Amanda Holyoak. Steal, and I beat you silly with a halibut.
Or sue you. Your pick.