Shadowscapes ©2002 A.Holyoak

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Monday, October 03, 2005
And here's the update. It would've been up sooner, but the weekend was nuts, I got started a bit later than I wanted, and I had *two* frontspieces to work on in addition to the page itself. But it's up, and on Monday, too! ::pant pant::
With Chapter 2, we are back with Kristoff and Caerd for a bit. I've used the slightly-improved toning techniques I used for Nocturne. Enjoy!
Hmmm...methinks the font is too big. Oh well. I'll fix it when I get around to it.
Yay for the "paint behind" tool in PSP, and nummy mage-boys.

Site and content ©2002 Amanda Holyoak. Steal, and I beat you silly with a halibut.
Or sue you. Your pick.