Still Waters - Author NotesI believe I wrote the first draft of this story the summer between my junior and senior years of high school. I know I worked on revisions during my senior year, and I submitted it to the Writer's of the Future contest. Thankfully, that version of the story was rejected.This is the third or fourth version of the story. I changed the point of view from first to third person, and I reordered some of the events to make the whole thing more coherent. There are still some things that need changing. Namely, I've changed settings in a semi-major way, and there are a few minor elements that have been changed around as well. I am working on rewriting this again, and Arrashan is getting a major personality tweaking. See, mental agonizing doesn't work so well in a script format, especially for a comic. Yes, I've been scripting Still Waters for comic/manga adaptation.