Love of Darkness and Light - Author NotesI wrote this story my freshman year of college (circa October 2000) for the Humanities 101 class I took. Our assignment was to rewrite the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet, using different characters and language. We could set our rewrite in any time or place, and we could use any vernacular that we wanted to. I chose to use Storm (Arrashan) and Rhayne for the assignment.This has not, does not, and never will happen in Syreth. One, I had to alter history and character personalities somewhat in order to do my assignment. Two, as much as I love Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet is one of the most inane pieces of drivel I've ever seen. Beautifully written, but still drivel and sap. As sappy as this piece is, I think I did a pretty good job on it, and I kept the characters "in character" for the roles they were playing. I tried to mitigate the sap, but I can't say how well I did at that last one.