The Worlds

Okay, this section is more or less self-explainatory. It's a list of my worlds and a small description of each (where applicable). Some of them are also links which lead to more information. I can tell you right away that this is going to take a long time to get up to date. As it was before, much of the information still needs to be written up before I can put it anywhere else. Bug me by email if you want to see these sections updated with any semblance of regularity. ^_^

Syreth: The oldest and most messed up of my worlds. Syreth has undergone two name changes, at least one map revision, and several other changes. Even with this it is in sore need of help. I guess that's what happens when you have a world for eleven years....

Fynaris: This world started out as a doodle of islands on a piece of notebook paper. It was an attempt to create a world with two things. First, I wanted a world where there weren't any elves (whatever name they might go by). Second, I wanted a world with more rules than Syreth. The story idea that helped spawn this world has not really been developed since, and the world has changed since it's conception.

Midoran: Standard fantasy quest, here we come! That's right, this world started because I got this idea for a group of objects created by some being (god or mortal I wasn't sure at the time). These objects would obviously have powers, and several of them were missing. Add in your semi-standard villain and your possibly not-so-standard group of heroes and you've got the world of Midoran. At least at first. Like all my other worlds, Midoran has started to morph. It'll be interesting to see where things end up.

Ta'an Ryelle: This is another standard fantasy world with a couple of personal twists, the largest being my elemental bards. This is also the world that saw the creation of shadowbards. Beyond that I don't have all that much planned out for this world.

In addition to the four listed worlds there are a score of others that I'm still developing. Once I have a vague idea of what they are (and what they're called) you can be sure to find that information here!

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