Zerin Lirath   Name: Zerin Lirath
Age: 25
Race: human
Homeland: Heavendale, Araen
Occupation: mage
Weapon(s) of Choice: magic, sword
Basic Physical:
hair: blong, just past shoulders
eyes: grey
skin: fair
height: 5'9"

Distinctive Traits:

Personality: Zerin is touchy, slightly proud, and disdainful. He's powerful and intelligent and he knows it. Reacts in a very predictable manner to teasing. Used to having people defer to him, which can cause problems.

Past: He is highborn. At an early age, he exhibited an afinity with magic, and he began his training right away. He became the keeper of the sword part of the Guard of Ralin at the age of seventeen. Zerin was taught the known history of the Treasures of Kemden Ralin and fully expected to lead the company that would go in search of them.

Family and Friends: Ravel Lirath (father), Jerabri Marain-Lirath (mother). No siblings.


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