Skardal Kaer   Name: Skardal Kaer
Age: 26-33
Race: dearklyen
Occupation: swordmaster, wanderer
Weapon(s) of Choice: sword, dagger
Basic Physical:
hair: black/ebony shaggy-short
eyes: pale crystal blue
skin: very pale ivory
height: 6'

Distinctive Traits: Hair and skin color, elf-like ears. Like Arrashan and all other dearklyen, Skardal has a cold aura about himself. In addition to these standard traits, Skardal has very little stamina due to a curse laid upon him by the Dark Lady. His eyes, like Arrashan's, are a non-standard color for dearklyen.

Personality: Skardal is very serious and not given to smiles or praise. He seems distant and aloof, but this is caution rather than an inherent cold personality. He tries very hard to appear emotionless, but his eyes will often betray his true thoughts.

Past: Skardal was born into a low-status dearklyen family. His parents were very pleased that he showed such an aptitude with the sword (and with all weapons). His talents brought the family a measure of prestige in the clans. At the age of eighteen he became a swordmaster, passing along his skills and knowledge to his students. One of his first students was an eight-year-old boy named Arrashan Grymreaver. Skardal felt there was something special about Arrashan. When his young student disappeared eight years later, Skardal felt somehow responsible. He searched his soul and decided he had to find out what happened to Arrashan. For this he was brought before the Dark Lady in her temple, who cursed him for his concern. Immediately following this he was beaten and cast out of the clans. The only things in his possession are the clothes on his back and a boot knife.

Family and Friends: His father is a simple warrior named Slayth, and his mother is a low-level sorceress/priestess named Lythra. Skardal has no siblings, and both of his parents are 'ideal' dearklyen. The only person he ever really cared about was Arrashan. After his exile, Skardal becomes friends with the human woman Reselda and (eventually) her cousin Alrik.

Appearances: Still Waters, Chains of Darkness, mention in Dark Soul

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