Rhayne Kerriann   Name: Rhayne Kerriann
Birthday: April 7
Age: 19
Race: lyen
Homeland: small village outside of Seda
Occupation: healer mage
Weapon(s) of Choice: daggers
Basic Physical:
hair: dark blond, cut to brush shoulders
eyes: blue-green/aqua
skin: lightly tanned
height: 5'7"

Distinctive Traits:

Personality: A very determined, stubborn young woman with a fairly cheerful demeanor, Rhayne makes friends easily. She has a slight empathic gift which can cause trouble at times, but is on the whole very useful, especially when it comes to healing others.

Past: Rhayne is a scion of House Kerriann, a well-known lyen merchant family. At the age of ten she was apprenticed to Lady Starsong, a respected healer. During her schooling Rhayne only had minimal contact with her family, usually when they brought a caravan through the area. Two years later she received word that her family had been slaughtered by dearklyen raiders. She was devistated by this news and it created within her a deep hatred of all dearklyen that nothing could ease. Starsong encouraged Rhayne's friendship with Gareth, the son of a local lord, in the hopes that it would give the girl something else to focus on.

Family and Friends: Mosiah Kerriann'thal (uncle), various cousins and distant relations, Lady Starsong, Gareth of Trailscove, Arrashan Grymreaver

Appearances: Dark Soul, Windsong, short stories

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