Lael   Name: Lael
Age: 16
Race: human
Homeland: Heavendale, Araen
Occupation: thief
Weapon(s) of Choice: daggers
Basic Physical:
hair: brown, cut short
eyes: blue-green
skin: tanned
height: 5'3"

Distinctive Traits:

Personality: Lael cares for her companions, but puts on a rude, sneaky, and loud front so they won't find out. She has a wicked sense of humor that's usually let out in various pranks.

Past: She's been a thief for as long as she can remember. Her teachers have all since passed on, and she's been working by herself since she was twelve or thirteen. Probably one of the best thieves in the business, she has extrodinary luck as far as "work" is concerned.

Family and Friends: parents unknown, doesn't have many people she can call friends.


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