Kenner Thorngage   Name: Kenner Thorngage
Age: 24
Race: halfling
Occupation: rogue
Weapon(s) of Choice: darts, daggers
Basic Physical:
hair: brown, pulled into a high topknot
eyes: brown with gold flecks
skin: tanned
height: 3'3"

Distinctive Traits: None at the present time.

Personality: Very much a prankster and a tease. Acts much younger than he is most of the time, though he can be serious if it's required. Unpredictable, but not about to do something that's guaranteed to get him seriously injured or killed.

Past: The black sheep of his family, who are all merchants. He ran away from home to become a rogue because that's really all he felt he was suited for. Not entirely sure how he met up with Sevien, but the two are fast friends. Kenner makes sure that Sevien gets enough to eat and doesn't fall asleep without at least a blanket to cover him, which is odd given that Kenner more or less personifies the light-fingered, happy-go-lucky halfling.

Family and Friends: Has a whole slew of family/relatives that he isn't on very good terms with at all. He tries to avoid them if at all possible. His best friend is Sevien ral Astra, although they're constantly getting into arguments.

Appearances: Immortal Silver (roleplaying campaign)

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