Darien Ayrwode   Name: Darien Ayrwode
Age: 27
Race: human (Changed)
Homeland: Snowhaven, Aceal
Occupation: hunter
Weapon(s) of Choice: daggers, spear, bow, etc.
Basic Physical:
hair: silver and dark grey, mottled, shoulder length
eyes: golden-green, cat slit
skin: tanned
height: 6'3"

Distinctive Traits: Skin on back and upper arms is mottled like snow-cat fur, and his hair looks like a snow-cat pelt.

Personality: Generally solitary, but he likes to be with other people, mostly family. Quiet. He's a fierce hunter but gentle with children.

Past: His parents are Wanderers, unafraid of the firests and mountains where the Shadow Ones are said to dwell.

Family and Friends: Has a whole slew of family/relatives that he isn't on very good terms with at all. He tries to avoid them if at all possible. His best friend is Sevien ral Astra, although they're constantly getting into arguments.


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