Saturday, July 14, 2007

Updated my profile and links on my hub site, and did a few updates to my profile here. I have plans to update other sections when I get the chance, and I've been working on a few different projects besides. Like Kogarashi, I have been lax in informing people of updates. I also haven't been updating all that often, which I am working to change.

In regular life news, I graduated two years ago and I've been working full-time since then.

Monday, October 25, 2004 - 9:45 a.m.

    I know I hardly ever update here so people probably think our sites never update. Well, that isn't exactly true. I revamped several of my sections, and things are running smoothly. I'll try to update more frequently here.

    In other news, school has eaten my brain. Hopefully this will remedy itself shortly or I think I'll go crazy.

Thursday, June 19, 2003 - 4:00 p.m.

    It took me longer than I thought it would to update everything, but we now have the main page up! Yes, I know it's been at least a week since my last "update" but I figured that it was better late than never.

    As with before, it's going to take a while before all the sections are fully operational. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this might cause.

Sunday, June 1, 2003 - 7:07 p.m.

    Well, I've been working on my personal layouts and have thus neglected the actual main page of our site. Gomen ne, minna-san! As you can see, I've uploaded the main page, but everything else is more or less sitting on my old servers. I'm going to fix this as soon as possible, I promise!

    A lot of the sections are still down, but that will be fixed as we update. Hopefully we'll have the site up and running within the next couple of weeks!