Conversation with sansreves7 at 7/23/2011 12:21:16 AM on AnkiKurayami (aim)

(00:21:20) AnkiKurayami: ::floppity::
(00:21:38) sansreves7: *cuddly*
(00:21:40) sansreves7: how's you?
(00:21:46) AnkiKurayami: Tired
(00:21:51) AnkiKurayami: Sick of the weather
(00:22:23) sansreves7: amen
(00:22:29) sansreves7: Are you doing ok over there?
(00:22:35) sansreves7: uding your AC?
(00:22:50) AnkiKurayami: The AC here at the house is very nice.
(00:23:11) sansreves7: nice ^_^
(00:23:23) sansreves7: good that you're not sweltering at home
(00:23:34) AnkiKurayami: It is
(00:23:53) sansreves7: ^_^
(00:24:10) AnkiKurayami: How about you? How are you doing?
(00:24:30) sansreves7: all right. I caved and turned on the AC today, with pathetic results -.-
(00:24:49) AnkiKurayami: Not particularly useful, I take it?
(00:25:53) sansreves7: erll, t woul dhave been more useful if I could run both units without tripping the circuit breaker constantly -.-
(00:26:04) AnkiKurayami: Geh
(00:26:45) sansreves7: yeah. which I might not care if they were on their own circuit, but it's on the same one as the work PC and fax.
(00:27:12) AnkiKurayami: geh
(00:27:59) sansreves7: so when I got back from running errands, thinking that my fax was chugging merrily along without me, isntead I found everything dead, with no way of knowing what might or might not have successfully gone out
(00:28:01) sansreves7: -.-
(00:28:16) AnkiKurayami: ::hugs::
(00:28:56) sansreves7: *snug*
(00:29:17) sansreves7: and since the PC has died too, the fax jobs weren't still on the PC for me to re-send. I had to recompile it too
(00:29:55) AnkiKurayami: geh
(00:30:59) sansreves7: piles and piles of geh
(00:31:24) sansreves7: fully half my jobs had to be recompliled and re-sent, including a huge blob of records
(00:31:41) AnkiKurayami: ::nod::
(00:31:57) sansreves7: it was no fun
(00:32:05) AnkiKurayami: I can imagine
(00:32:10) sansreves7: *snug*\
(00:32:15) sansreves7: but all the work is done now ^_^
(00:32:19) AnkiKurayami: Yay!
(00:32:25) sansreves7: tomorrow will also be spent hiding indoor from the weather
(00:32:30) sansreves7: yagy ^_^
(00:32:35) AnkiKurayami: ::nodnod::
(00:32:55) AnkiKurayami: I'll be cleaning up here at the house, doing laundry, dropping stuff off at my apartment, etc
(00:33:08) sansreves7: sounds like an enthralling day
(00:33:27) AnkiKurayami: It's stuff that needs to happen
(00:33:27) sansreves7: I'll be cleaning up too, watching some fo the HP movies, ,aybe working on some masks
(00:33:31) sansreves7: *nods*
(00:33:35) AnkiKurayami: ::nodnod::
(00:34:53) sansreves7: it's weird, rewatching the first one and seeing 1) everyone so young, and 2) scenes revolving around stuff like Quidditch and house points
(00:35:08) AnkiKurayami: Heh
(00:35:26) AnkiKurayami: So this evening I watched Sense & Sensibility with Rachel.
(00:35:41) AnkiKurayami: It has a lot of famous actors and actresses in it.
(00:35:55) sansreves7: cool
(00:37:00) AnkiKurayami: And resulted in the following:
The Fat Lady is Professor Umbrage's mother, and Umbrage married Doctor House. They are all accquainted with Professor Snape, who is attracted to Professor Trelawny's sister. Trelawny gets along famously with all of them.

(00:37:05) AnkiKurayami: They have tea.
(00:37:29) sansreves7: HAH
(00:37:38) sansreves7: that spiel sould go on the quote list
(00:37:54) AnkiKurayami: ^_^
(00:38:06) sansreves7: Umbrage married to House....argh, brain bleach
(00:38:21) AnkiKurayami: Umbrage being all nice and bouncy and not-evil
(00:38:41) AnkiKurayami: And House acting mostly like House but sounding like Bertie Wooster
(00:38:46) sansreves7: hah!
(00:39:02) AnkiKurayami: Seriously. When he showed up, Rachel and I shrieked in tandem.
(00:39:09) AnkiKurayami: I'd completely forgotten he was in the movie
(00:39:54) sansreves7: hee!
(16:28:30) sansreves7: *snug*\
(16:28:30) AnkiKurayami <AUTO-REPLY>: I'm not here right now
(20:48:29) sansreves7: I found my matches >.<
(20:48:29) AnkiKurayami <AUTO-REPLY>: I'm not here right now
(20:48:53) sansreves7: I was right, I *had* put them where I thought. they got knocked off and fell - not onto the floor, where I checked - but into the seat of one of the kitchen chairs
(22:20:06) AnkiKurayami: Whee matches!
(22:21:28) sansreves7: LOL
(22:21:35) sansreves7: nngh, kitchn so hot
(22:22:06) AnkiKurayami: ::hugs::
(22:22:15) sansreves7: *flops*
(22:22:19) sansreves7: it's cooler out here, at least
(22:22:24) AnkiKurayami: THat's good
(22:22:28) sansreves7: yup
(22:22:33) sansreves7: the AC seems to be more effective today
(22:22:57) AnkiKurayami: That's good. It's been cooler overall tody
(22:22:59) AnkiKurayami: *today
(22:36:50) sansreves7: yeah, I noticed that when I went out. not much cooler, but even 5 degrees can make a big difference
(22:37:11) sansreves7: *eyes dinner* I suck at breading chicken
(22:38:43) AnkiKurayami: ::hugs::
(22:39:22) sansreves7: *snug* oh well. it's tasty
(22:39:34) AnkiKurayami: Gotta head out to pick up my family
(22:43:33) sansreves7: good luck!
(23:11:08) sansreves7: omg omg omg trailer for new Avatar series!!!!!
(23:11:08) AnkiKurayami <AUTO-REPLY>: I'm not here right now
(23:11:13) sansreves7: