Felan Rannwydd   Name: Felan Rannwydd
Age: 26
Race: mostly human
Occupation: wolfmaster
Weapon(s) of Choice: barehand fighting, daggers
Basic Physical:
hair: white-blond, long
eyes: light red-brown with gold flecks
skin: pale, later lightly tanned
height: between 6' and 6'2"

Distinctive Traits: Three horizontal parallel scars on his right cheek under his eye, wears a plain leather collar with no visible catches. Has a wolf-human hybrid form.

Personality: Felan is a difficult individual to get to know. He can be silent and sullen or blow up over the smallest thing. He is very proud and demanding, and he always seems to be in control, at least during the day. When not around other people he is insecure, nervous, and very sad. He hates this part of himself and doesn't want anybody to see it. The only time he ever smiles is when he's watching small children (pups) play.

History: Felan was the youngest child of a farmer. While his family loved him enough to keep him alive, they did not particularly want him. At the age of ten he ran away from home, but the world didn't care about his fate in the slightest. He was on the verge of death when the goddess-witch Leyr found him and took him in. She nursed him back to health then raised him, making grand promises if he would serve her. Since she was the only person to ever show him any form of affection, Felan agreed. The next seven years were spent in training--by the age of seventeen Felan could best any opponent he was pitted against and he had been Leyr's lover for three years. At that time, Leyr changed Felan into a wolfmaster, bestowing incredible power upon him. He spent the next two years with the wolves, learning about his new skills and building his pack. Felan led this wolven army across the land, destroying towns and taking control in Leyr's name. This brought him to the attention of a powerful sage, and this sage began hunting Felan. Then Leyr gave Felan an order he refused to follow. She told him to leave and he did, taking the wolves with him. His attacks became nighttime cattle and sheep raids, and that only to keep the pack fed. During this time, Felan decided to try living away from Leyr on a more permanant basis, but he never got the chance. It was then that the sage found him and, after slaughtering the wolves protecting Felan, sent him to the underworld. Felan spent the next 1400 years or so trapped in the underworld, tortured and tormented, always trying to escape. Finally he did so, and now he wanders, searching for anything at all familiar. His love and devotion to Leyr have changed to obsessed hatred, and he wants nothing more than to rip her throat out personally.

Family and Friends: No one he knew as a young man still lives (with the exception of Leyr). The closest person he has at the moment is a young woman named Elia, and he treats her like a servant.

Appearances: Paths to Understanding

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